Two plans to choose from...
RAD $30/yr | LIFE $400/yr
💀🍓 Life Plan 🍓💀
This plan is for my biggest supporters, the ultimate Kwellerheadz. You are my LIFERS and I want to give you all the things...
These are the perks you'll enjoy all year long:
✔ Perk 1 of 6 - Unlimited streaming of rare music that isn't available anywhere else.
✔ Perk 2 of 6 - Unlimited access to the private Kwellerhead community forum.
✔ Perk 3 of 6 - Attend all of my concerts for FREE! Seriously... If I'm playing a public concert and have a guest list, you will be able to put your name on it.
✔ Perk 4 of 6 - Not only do you get to attend my shows, but you also get to attend my VIP Mega Hang! These are special meet 'n' greets where you'll get to hang with me in the venue before doors open.
✔ Perk 5 of 6 - Limited edition Art Prints! Every November I commission a rad artist to design a poster that represents what I've been going through. As a LIFE member you will get one of these special 18" x 24" silkscreened posters delivered right to your door along with a personalized letter explaining the work.
✔ Perk 6 of 6 - The famous Box of Radness! Oh yesssss. This is one of my favorite offerings ever - and it's reserved only for my biggest supporters. Every year I curate a box of cool shit that I send to you. Everything from limited edition merch items to random food treats to music items to hot sauce. You never know what you'll get but there is a lot of intention and good vibes put in to this. It is delivered to you at the end of each year.